
According to the ASPCA, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized annually in the U.S. The number one solution to pet overpopulation: SPAY AND NEUTER OUR PETS!

  • Cat

    One Female Cat and her offspring can theoretically produce
    420,000 KITTENS
    in seven years!

  • Dog

    One Female Dog and her offspring can theoretically produce
    96,000 PUPPIES
    in seven years!

Responsible pet owners make sure that their pets are not contributing to this serious overpopulation problem. Spayed and neutered pets are actually healthier pets.

Why Spay

CATS – Spaying your cat will ensure that she does not become pregnant. The desire to roam will be diminished; reducing the risk of her coming in contact with sick animals. In addition, it will also reduce the risk of ovarian cysts, false pregnancies, hormonal disorders, and behavioral problems.

DOGS – Spaying will eliminate the mess of a dog in heat and the attracting of males. Aside from making sure that she does not become pregnant, spaying should be done for the following medical reasons:

  • Early spaying will drastically reduce the chance of breast tumors, the most common cancer in the unspayed female. If a dog is spayed before her first heat, it is almost guaranteed that she will not develop breast tumors. If a dog is spayed after 2½ years of age or is not spayed at all, she has a one in four chance of having mammary tumors.
  • Spaying greatly reduces the risk of ovarian cysts, false pregnancies, hormonal disorders, and behavioral problems.

Eliminate Life-threatening Pyometra – Pyometra occurs in unspayed female cats and dogs when hormones cause the uterine lining to thicken and form cysts, creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and resulting in a potentially life-threatening infection. Symptoms include general malaise and, in some cases, a foul vaginal discharge. Emergency surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries is typically considered the best treatment.

Why Neuter

CATS – Neutering male cats will decrease roaming and fighting, which decreases exposure to infectious diseases as well as bite or scratch wounds. It will also decrease the likelihood of spraying (urinating to mark territory). A neutered male also keeps himself cleaner than a tomcat. Obviously, a neutered cat cannot father unwanted kittens.

DOGS – Neutering dogs will see to it that they do not sire unwanted litters. It will also decrease the desire to roam, reducing the risk of infectious disease. If the surgery is done before the pet reaches sexual maturity, certain undesirable sexual behavior traits may be avoided (mounting, humping, fighting, etc.) Furthermore, neutering lessens the risk of anal tumors and prostate diseases, and eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer developing.

When to Spay/Neuter

Four to six months old is the optimum age for neutering/spaying your pet, although pets can be safely operated on as early as six weeks of age if they weigh a minimum of two pounds. Have a discussion with your veterinarian to recommend the best time for your pet.

What to Expect

Neutering – Routine castration is considered minor surgery. Complete anesthesia is necessary, but the risk for a young, healthy pet is minimal. Recovery is usually rapid.

Spaying – This is a major abdominal surgery involving the removal of both ovaries and the uterus. Complete anesthesia is necessary, but with new, modern anesthetics, a healthy pet can be anesthetized for the 20-40-minute operation with minimal risk. This surgery is best performed prior to your pet’s first heat cycle. Complications after surgery are very rare.

Myths & Facts About Spay/Neuter

MYTH: My pet will get fat and lazy.

FACT: The truth is that most pets get fat and lazy because their owners feed them too much and don't give them enough exercise.

MYTH: It's better to have one litter first.

FACT: Medical evidence indicates just the opposite. In fact, the evidence shows that females spayed before their first heat are typically healthier. Many veterinarians now sterilize dogs and cats as young as eight weeks of age. Check with your veterinarian about the appropriate time for these procedures.

MYTH: My children should experience the miracle of birth.

FACT: Even if children are able to see a pet give birth—which is unlikely, since it usually occurs at night and in seclusion—the lesson they will really learn is that animals can be created and discarded as it suits adults. Instead, children should learn that the real miracle is life and that preventing the birth of some pets can save the lives of others.

MYTH: But my pet is a purebred.

FACT: So is at least one out of every four pets brought to animal shelters around the country. There are just too many dogs and cats—mixed breed and purebred.

MYTH: I want my dog to be protective.

FACT: Spaying or neutering does not affect a dog's natural instinct to protect home and family. A dog's personality is formed more by genetics and environment than by sex hormones.

MYTH: I don't want my male dog or cat to feel like less of a male.

FACT: Pets don't have any concept of sexual identity or ego. Neutering will not change a pet's basic personality. He doesn't suffer any kind of emotional reaction or identity crisis when neutered.

MYTH: But my dog (or cat) is so special, I want a puppy (or kitten) just like her.

FACT: A dog or cat may be a great pet, but that doesn't mean her offspring will be a carbon copy. Professional animal breeders who follow generations of bloodlines can't guarantee they will get just what they want out of a particular litter. A pet owner's chances are even slimmer. In fact, an entire litter of puppies or kittens might receive all of a pet's (and her mate's) worst characteristics.

MYTH: I'll find good homes for all the puppies and kittens.

FACT: You may find homes for all of your pet's litter. But each home you find means one less home for the dogs and cats in shelters who need good homes. Also, in less than one year's time, each of your pet's offspring may have his or her own litter, adding even more animals to the population. The problem of pet overpopulation is created and perpetuated one litter at a time.

MYTH: It's too expensive to have my pet spayed or neutered.

FACT: The cost of spaying or neutering depends on the sex, size, and age of the pet, your veterinarian's fees, and a number of other variables. But whatever the actual price, spay or neuter surgery is a one-time cost—a relatively small cost when compared to all the benefits. It's a bargain compared to the cost of having a litter and ensuring the health of the mother and litter; two months of pregnancy and another two months until the litter is weaned can add up to significant food costs and huge veterinary bills if complications develop. Most importantly, it's a very small price to pay for the health of your pet and the prevention of the births of more unwanted pets.

Free & Low Cost Spay/Neuter

If you live in the City of Los Angeles, you may qualify for a voucher for free or discount pet sterilization.

There are also many resources for free and low-cost spay/neuter in the State of California.